About Me

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I have been married to Russ for 13 years. We have two daughters, Shauna and Maddyson . I teach vocal & general music. In July 2011, we began Miehls Healthy Life Source, a home-based business. Our goal is to share safe, natural products with our friends, family, and others so the world is a safer place.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


I have not done a very good job of maintaining this blog.  My goal is to try to blog at least one time each week.

I have been re-evaluating what I would like to do with this blog.  For several years I have had wellness on my mind.  A few years ago, I led a women's devotional and exercise group at church two nights a week.  The goal was to improve both our physical wellness and spiritual wellness.  That group has since stopped meeting, but my interest in wellness has not gone away.

Last spring, I asked my husband to train with me to run a 5K in the summer.  We trained for a couple of months, but my husband began having pains in his side when we ran, so we stopped running, too.

Summer in Northwest Ohio was very hot and dry.  I am a teacher, so I spent most of the summer in the comfort of my central air-conditioning.  Russ, on the other hand, works in a cabinet shop that has no air conditioning.  When he got home, he was ready to soak in the cool air.  We didn't do much to continue our path to wellness.

That changed for me, though, when I coached 8th grade volleyball at school this year.  This was a learning experience for the team AND the coach.  I played volleyball from 7th grade through my junior year of high school.  I have also played church league volleyball but not in recent years.

After volleyball, I enjoyed being at home in the evenings for several weeks.  Toward the end of November, I asked Russ if he would mind if I tried one Zumba class that was being offered at our park in town.  He said that it was okay with him.  When I got home, I asked him if I could show him my favorite move.  He asked if it meant I was going to go back.  I said that I would like to try one more class.

That did it.  I was hooked!  I have been attending Zumba class 3 nights a week most of the time since November.  I really enjoy it.  The instructor also works at the school where I teach, so we talk Zumba at school, too.  I like that I can be active and get a great workout while dancing.  It doesn't feel like exercise to me.  I was a cheerleader in high school and in college.  We often did routines to music, so it feels similar to that.

This long introduction brings me to the new focus of my blog:  WELLNESS.  Russ & I have been members of The Wellness Company, Melaleuca, for nearly 3 years.  They focus on Total Wellness:  Physical, Environmental, Personal, and Financial.  I would like to add a fifth category, Spiritual.

I would like to invite you to join me on my journey to total wellness:  physical, environmental, personal, financial and spiritual.

Have a great day!